Pride Of Ringwood

When Pride of Ringwood was released in 1965, it had the distinction of being the hop with the highest alpha acid content in the world, but now, of course, has been far surpassed. At one time it comprised 90% of the hops grown in Australia. Too late harvest for the U.S., it was at one time grown in Kashmir, India. Good storage stability. It is primarily used in Australian lagers, but in the U.S., Buffalo Bill Brewery uses it in its Tasmanian Devil brew. Carlton and United Breweries in Australia bitter all of their beers with PoR. Australia is fairly disease free for hops, but when grown elsewhere, it is susceptible to downy mildew.

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Nugget’s super alpha acid content, low beta and low cohumulone percentages give it an excellent bittering kick popular in IPAs, Imperials, and other super hoppy brews. Daughter of Brewer’s Gold and mother of Millennium, Nugget’s popularity grew quickly. From release in 1982, by 1987 it was producing 14% of the Northwest’s hops. It’s high myrcene content plus the high alpha content results in a green, herbal aroma. Nugget is a preferred choice of hop-loving brewers all across the U.S. and has gained popularity in Europe.


Cluster (US) is thought to be the oldest and most robust hop in the U.S., nearly the perfect hop. With a balanced aroma and bittering profile and outstanding storage stability, it has long been the choice of large U.S. Breweries. It is thought to have originated in Canada but actually was found growing near Grant’s Pass, Oregon. It is considered to have a clean, neutral and slightly floral flavor.


Chinook Hops with its 12-14% alpha acid profile is great for either the beginning of the boil or in the middle. Not only a natural for American-style Pale Ale and IPAs, but it is find its way into seasonal ales, barley wine, and some porters and stouts. This hop has a piney, spicy bouquet such as Juniper might contribute. It is very aromatic with the pine very evident in a fresh batch. Featured alone in Stone’s Arrogant Bastard and along with Cascade and Centennial in Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Ale, which is famous for its piney, citrusy character.


Aquila was developed in the U.S. and established in 3-acre commercial trials throughout the Northwestern US in 1988. However, due to its overly high cohumulone content, its use is considered quite limited, and it is not available commercially at this time. Anheuser Busch lost interest in the variety due to its harsh bittering, which spelled a death knell for the variety’s commercial usability.


Eroica hops, with its sizeable alpha acid content, very good storage stability, good vigor and is high yielding. Despite that, it is still outclassed by its sister, Galena, and is thus moving toward its denouement of commercial production. Its cones are difficult to harvest and it tends to be susceptable to Ringspot and Mosaic virii. In terms of flavour, it has a sharp fruity essence and fortunately can still be obtained for home brewing experimentation.