These post contain version notes, bug reports and versions for the noted version. Feel free to leave comments detailing bugs or features that you would like to see.
Version 1.3
- Cleaned up the code. Tackled a bunch of bugs and minor items: Added data to ingredient pages (they still need to be cleaned up) New ingredients: Tacoma & Olympia water Naked Oats Kiln Coffee White Wheat Malt Munich Malt (Liquid) Munich Malt (Dry) Added archive page for featured recipies Added over 100 new yeast strains […]
Monday, Nov 24, 2014
Version 1.2
- Minor updates. Moved to new domain: AllGrain.Beer! Will keep around to redirect people. Updated hosting to include Varnish cache. Things are now moving a lot faster! Email notifications and analytics added (for admins to keep an eye on things) Added embed support: <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script> Or, simply for WordPress with the AllGrain.Beer plugin […]
Tuesday, Nov 4, 2014
Version 1.1
- Launched at the HighEdWeb 2014 conference as a demo of what WP can do. Recipes can now be saved! Permalink created to share recipe with others Added water profiles. Bug reports:
Monday, Nov 3, 2014
Version 1.0 (alpha)
- Much more stable now. Focus was on completing the JS for the calculator. Time was also spent on the layout to make it responsive. Bug reports: Only cone hop calculations (Tinseth) for now HTML/TXT: style display and order. Bug on slider animation in some browsers (Fontawesome + jQuery bug) Feature requests: Save Login and edit […]
Monday, Nov 3, 2014
Version 0.1
- This is an exciting moment. The recipe builder has been built from scratch. You throw grain, hops and yeast at the thing and it will predict the beer output: I want to thank the people who have done the research that makes a calculator like this possible: SRMĀ equation by Dan A. Morey Hop equation […]
Saturday, Oct 11, 2014
All Grain Beer
- Can we build better beer? That is the question. I started homebrewing a few years ago. After a few extract batches the jump was made into “all grain” and I was hooked. With the right grain, hops, yeast and water all of my favorite beverages could be created – for a fraction of the cost. […]
Tuesday, Apr 1, 2014