Developed as an Aroma variety by New Zealand’s HortResearch Hop Breeding Programme. This triploid was bred from parentage of two-third Hallertau Miitlefrüh open pollinated by one third New Zealand-derived male. As a small plot trial it showed great potential as a dual-purpose variety and was released commercially from Hort’s Riwaka Research Centre in 1988.
This Hallertau Triploid typically has a very restrained floral character which selectors say is atop an aroma of freshly-zested lime. These excellent brewing qualities carry right through from selection to the finished beer and it is due, in part to this ability that New Zealand Hallertau Aroma is selected by several major brewers internationally.
A multi-skilled hop that consistently delivers across all areas from kettle to consumer. A true dual-purpose variety with an enviable alpha: beta ratio, the New Zealand Hallertau measures up on flavour scores as well as flavour stability trials. Its rounded flavour, moderate cohumulone and outstanding oil profile create a truly rewarding finish.