
Chinook Hops with its 12-14% alpha acid profile is great for either the beginning of the boil or in the middle. Not only a natural for American-style Pale Ale and IPAs, but it is find its way into seasonal ales, barley wine, and some porters and stouts. This hop has a piney, spicy bouquet such as Juniper might contribute. It is very aromatic with the pine very evident in a fresh batch. Featured alone in Stone’s Arrogant Bastard and along with Cascade and Centennial in Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Ale, which is famous for its piney, citrusy character.

Recipes | Grain, Hops, Yeast, Water | AllGrain.Beer v1.3
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Nugget’s super alpha acid content, low beta and low cohumulone percentages give it an excellent bittering kick popular in IPAs, Imperials, and other super hoppy brews. Daughter of Brewer’s Gold and mother of Millennium, Nugget’s popularity grew quickly. From release in 1982, by 1987 it was producing 14% of the Northwest’s hops. It’s high myrcene content plus the high alpha content results in a green, herbal aroma. Nugget is a preferred choice of hop-loving brewers all across the U.S. and has gained popularity in Europe.