All Grain Beer

Can we build better beer? That is the question.

I started homebrewing a few years ago. After a few extract batches the jump was made into “all grain” and I was hooked. With the right grain, hops, yeast and water all of my favorite beverages could be created – for a fraction of the cost.

However, proper recipes can be hard to track down and manage. Even worse, there is a lot of math to think about when formulating a brand new recipe.

So, the idea was born: a site where I could find, create and share all my recipes. Sure there are some similar sites out there – many of them with great features. However, none of them had all the features, or the simplicity that I was really looking for.

So, what’s the plan?

At the moment the site is nothing more then domain name and a half-finished brewing calculator.

The plan is to get moving on the project by taking some small, manageable steps:

  1. Build an online calculator system that works for me
  2. Make it work for my friends that brew (alpha testing)
  3. Invite everyone else to give it a spin (beta and beyond)



Recipes | Grain, Hops, Yeast, Water | AllGrain.Beer v1.3
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