Version 0.1

This is an exciting moment. The recipe builder has been built from scratch. You throw grain, hops and yeast at the thing and it will predict the beer output: I want to thank the people who have done the research that makes a calculator like this possible:

Bug reports:

  • Only cone hop calculations (Tinseth) for now
  • Need to fix display bugs
  • Style not being recorded properly.
  • Calculate with only OG = NAN
  • HTML/TXT: style display and order.

Feature requests:

If you have a request, simply leave a comment and I will add it to the list:

  • Login, save and edit
  • Allow different units (lbs vs. oz vs. kg)
  • Need to complete mash parameter math (strike temps, etc…)
  • Allow the user to choose the formula (SRM, IBU, ABV, …)
  • Images
  • Share/embed
  • “Dry hop” option instead of min.
  • Whirlpool time setting – for better IBU calculations

Start the discussion:

Recipes | Grain, Hops, Yeast, Water | AllGrain.Beer v1.3
Got some feedback? Help me make this better!