Tomahawk (CTZ)

CTZ stands for Columbus, Tomahawk, Zeus Once thought to be separate varieties, however evidence now suggests that they are genetically similar if not identical hops. Thus these high alpha varieties can be used interchangeably…

Recipes | Grain, Hops, Yeast, Water | AllGrain.Beer v1.3
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A rare, high alpha bittering hops from Yakima Valley, Washington. Bittering is considered intense. Related to Zeus. Sun is a proprietary hop controlled by S.S. Steiner, Inc.

Columbus (CTZ)

CTZ stands for Columbus, Tomahawk, Zeus Once thought to be separate varieties, however evidence now suggests that they are genetically similar if not identical hops. Thus these high alpha varieties can be used interchangeably…

Columbus is under private license and production to HopUnion USA. Its lineage is a bit confused due to two different claims to it, and its parentage has not been disclosed. The important thing, though is its punched up hoppiness and deep, pensive aroma with understated citrus notes—perfect as a dual use hop. Its oils are moderate and balanced, and its alpha acid content is 14-16%. It is usually used in the late boil, and, when fresh, it has an herbal flavor with a lemon citrus backnote. It doesn’t have particularly good storage stability (50-60% after 6 months), but since it is used widely in American-style ales, it probably doesn’t need more than that.